CLOSED! for now...
All good things come to an end....
Our time in the PNW is quickly coming to an end. It's been amazing. I have thoroughly enjoyed being up in the great state of Washington. It's an experience I will never forget. But as any good Army wife will tell you, even the best of the duty stations, don't last forever. As sad as I am to see this chapter close, I am just as excited for the next one to begin.
After 27 years in the Army, my husband is now retiring. What does that mean for Salted Vinegar? Well we don't know YET! We are in the midst of still figuring out what life after the Army will look like, and where we will land. Yes it's a little scary to pack up and move without knowing where we will land. But what I can tell you, I am really looking forward to the in-between. It's an exciting 6 months that we have planned and I am ready to tackle it head on. BUT what that means is that Salted Vinegar will be closed for an extended period of time. And I am not sure when or if it will reopen. My gut tells me it will reopen....but time will tell. SO....thank you ALL for your support and encouragement along the way!!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. HUGS to all!!!